The beautiful mass of white, flat-topped lacy flower heads floating atop the ferny foliage harkens to a time of romance and elegance. The ring of larger outer petals give the whimsical impression of a tutu on a twirling ballerina. Great filler for any bouquet ... beautifully charming as a bunch of its lacy umbels on its own.
We grow white.
Fun fact: Umbels are clusters of flowers that grow on short, stalks of equal length originating from a common point (here at the top of long stems). They create a flat, curved or almost spherical shape, much like an umbrella's ribs hold the covering of the fabric. Thus is one of several umbel flowers we grow on the farm.
Edible: no (not poisonous, but not really eaten)
Dries/Presses: well
Also called: White Laceflower
(Note: Always do your own research before ingesting anything.)
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